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FAI Awarded Premier Data Supplier

We at FAI are proud to announce that we are officially a Premier Data Supplier to TecDoc, this announcement continues to show the painstaking work that we at FAI do to ensure data quality and accuracy.

With the introduction of a dedicated Catalogue Department some 12 months ago, we have been able to commit a substantial amount of resource towards continually improving our digital catalogue presence both in the UK and globally.
TecDoc by TecAlliance is one of the biggest international catalogue platforms available, with over 254 million product linkages and 110,000 vehicle types.

For many years FAI Automotive have achieved the highest rated standard of Certified Data Supplier (CDS), and now with the inaugural release of their new Premier Data Supplier (PDS) certification, we have been one of the very few companies to receive this highly coveted award from the start.

This has been no small feat, TecAlliance set the bar very high on specific product lines which requires some ingenuity to find solutions for. We ourselves have worked through millions of lines of data, to ensure we not only meet but exceed the requirements set out, with the ultimate goal of making life as easy as possible for our customers using our data.

There’s a complete schedule set out for the rest of 2021 and even into 2022, with further improvements in data and features of both our own FAI eCat and the TecDoc platform. So ensure you’re signed up to stay up to date with the latest developments.